Miley Cyrus officially stated that she was ever so happy to work with Britney Spears on their mutual record and she can also be seen talking enthusiastically about it on her documentary Miley Cyrus : The Movement’. However, the reality is slightly different as it turned out Britney wasn't Miley's first choice. The 20-year-old singer and her producer Sean Garret first laid their eyes on ex- No Doubt vocalist Gwen Stefani thinking she would be perfect for the job thanks to having that same edge.
Unexpectedly, the ‘Sweet Escape’ singer obviously didn't want to share Miley's place in the spot light as she turned down the offer. This might not come as such a surprise after all as Gwen already turned down an ever bigger offer a decade ago : Madonna herself chose Gwen Stefani and Pink to perform with her on the 2003 MTV VMA show but they both turned her down so she ended up inviting Britney and Christina Aguilera instead.
As Miley had to think of someone else to record the song ‘SMS’ with she chose her childhood idol Britney. Miley has shared that she has been such a huge fan of the pop princess ever since she was 8 years old, that her dad, Billy Ray Cyrus, was worried she would grow up to be “too influenced” by some of Britney’s provocative performances. Today, it’s probably safe to say that he had a point and the student has surpassed the master.